
My name is Antje Kurz. I am a state-certified tourist guide and look forward to showing you Salzburg and its beautiful surroundings.

Take a look around my page, click through hand-picked event tips and be inspired by what you can discover in Salzburg.

On my Facebook page I try – always up-to-date – to point out highlights from Salzburg and the surrounding area. The last entries of my fan page can be found at the end of the page and, of course, automatically when you like my page.

A particularly good insight into my work and the little secrets is offered by a small film (just below), which I created together with my daughter.

Antje Kurz - Tourist Guide

Salzburg is unique – a cinematic insight into my work

Suggestions and tips for Salzburg

daily: Fairtours Salzburg – Individual Best Of
Salzburg’s guides offer a two-hour morning tour of Salzburg’s Old Town daily in German and English for a fair € 10 per person. This tour explores new paths and hidden squares of the city. Interested guests can get to know the city of Mozart from different perspectives, the main attractions are also included in this tour.
Guided tours start daily at 10 a.m. at the main entrance in front of Mirabell Palace. Registration not required.

20. – 27.01.2024: MotzART-Fesival
Die Gegenwart verlangt, Position zu beziehen. Klar, deutlich, öffentlich sichtbar. Es ist keine Zeit für Zwei- oder Mehrdeutigkeiten – es gilt, Haltung zu zeigen. Die Geschwindigkeit der weltpolitischen Ereignisse indes bringt den einen oder die andere bisweilen ins Stolpern. Die Lösung: Mal kurz innehalten und nachdenken – darauf käme es jetzt besonders an.
Wie das geht, verrät uns das neue Solo-Programm von Gunkl. NICHT NUR, SONDERN NUR AUCH heißt dieses – ein Plädoyer für gemütsberuhigtes Abwägen und Nachdenken, das wir wie gewohnt als Salzburg-Premiere im MotzART FESTIVAL zeigen. Mit dabei sind auch die Staatskünstler Thomas Maurer, Florian Scheuba und Robert Palfrader, das Musikkabarett-Duo RaDeschnig, Gerhard Walter, Magda Leeb und Lena Hödl. Für queeres Kabarett sorgt hingegen die mittlerweile vierte Salzburger Ausgabe des furiosen PCCC*, dem ersten politisch korrekten Comedy Club.
Übrigens: Mit dem MotzART-Festivalpass können Sie das ganze Festivalprogramm erleben – eine Intensivwoche Kabarett zum supergünstigen Bestpreis. Damit Sie auch über wirklich alles nachdenken und anschließend mitreden können.
ARGEkultur | Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5 | 5020 Salzburg

24.01. – 04.02.2024: Mozart Week Festival
Featuring some of the most famous Mozartians of our day, the Mozart Week Festival celebrates Mozart each year at around the time of his birthday in January and takes place in the picturesque town in which he was born. For the Festival’s intendant, Rolando Villazón, Mozart’s works are the radiant centre of the world’s leading Mozart Festival, they are its soul and its inspiration. But these works are always meaningfully interwoven with ones by other composers. In 2024 arguably the most infamous of Mozart’s rivals, Antonio Salieri, sets foot on the stage of the Mozart Week Festival. “No contemporary is mentioned in the same breath as often as Antonio Salieri,” explains Rolando Villazón. “Many myths and stories are bound up with the ambivalent relationship between these two men, and we should like to retell these myths and stories in the most varied ways not only in concerts but also as a thrilling drama through the medium of opera, the spoken theatre, films and other exciting formats.”

06. + 10.02., 02. + 26.03.2024: THE SOUND OF MUSIC
“A musical comes home” – a musical with heart returns home to its setting in Salzburg. Maria loves the mountains, singing and dancing – and would like nothing more than to become a nun, but she is sent as a governess to the children of the widowed Captain von Trapp…
In addition to Patrizia Unger as Maria and Lukas Perman as Captain von Trapp, Salzburg’s young talents embody the Trapp children with their strong playing skills and strong voices.
Salzburger Landestheater | Schwarzstraße 22 | 5020 Salzburg

What is the lost Generation? Who were they?
It was the art historian Rainer Zimmermann who coined the term “missing” or “lost” generation in 1980. He sees here a parallel to the concept of the “lost generation” of which Hannah Arendt and Gertrude Stein wrote in connection with the American writers of the 1920s. Zimmermann was referring to artists who were born between 1880 and 1915. Artists who attained a certain fame and recognition in the early 20thcentury, and who came from all corners of the Weimar Republic and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They were artists whom the Nazi regime refused to accept, denouncing them instead as “degenerate” and ostracising them, either because of their background, their faith, their political attitudes or one of many other reasons. Their works were destroyed, sold abroad, or – if they were lucky – hidden away and preserved. Their names are largely unknown today, as are their works. Their names are largely unknown today, as are their works. This collection is now bringing them back to life.
The collection comprises some 300 works, most of them oil paintings.
The elegant exhibition rooms let us peek into the extended living room of the collector Prof. Dr. Heinz Böhme. It exudes a cosy ambiance that invites one to linger. There are comfortable lounge areas, tables and stools that offer one the opportunity to sit and study the extensive literature around one.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 – 17:00 (extended opening hours during the Festivals).
Museum Kunst der Verlorenen Generation / Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 12 / 5020 Salzburg

Salzburgguide auf Facebook

Salzburgguide.info - Antje Kurz is at Schloß Hellbrunn - Schloßpark Hellbrunn.

6 months 3 weeks ago

Frühlingshaftes Wetter im #schlossparkhellbrunn #hellbrunnerschlosspark #monatsschlössl #monatsschlösslhellbrunn . www.salzburgguide.info . #salzburgguide #austriaguide #fremdenführer #fremdenfuehrer #gästeführer #gaestefuehrer #stadtführer #stadtfuehrer #salzburg #salzbourg #salzburgo #salzburgaustria #visitsalzburg #salzburglove #salzburgisbeautiful

Salzburgguide.info - Antje Kurz is at Waagplatz.

6 months 4 weeks ago

facebook.com/events/s/stadtfuhrung-fur-salzburger/1550281985797430/ #stadtführung für #salzburger Samstag, 17.02.2024, 14:00 - 16:00 www.salzburgguide.info . #salzburgguide #austriaguide #fremdenführer #fremdenfuehrer #gästeführer #gaestefuehrer #stadtführer #stadtfuehrer #salzburg #salzbourg #salzburgo #salzburgaustria #visitsalzburg #salzburglove

Salzburgguide.info - Antje Kurz

6 months 4 weeks ago

Stadtführung für Salzburger am Samstag, 17.02.2024, 14:00 - 16:00

Salzburgguide.info - Antje Kurz

1 year 6 months ago

Kostenlose Sonderführung der Fremdenführer: „Stararchitekt im Barock - Fischer von Erlach in Salzburg“ 18.03.2023 09:00 - 16:00 im 10-Minuten- Takt Ohne Voranmeldung! . www.salzburgguide.info .

Salzburgguide.info - Antje Kurz is at Sacellum.

1 year 6 months ago

Heute bei einer Veranstaltung des #SalzburgerMuseumsverein: „DAS SACELLUM - VERBORGENER SCHATZ IN SALZBURG Das Sacellum war das erste Gebäude der 1622 gegründeten Salzburger Universität und